Fly Fishing Guiding, Instruction, and Writing

Matt Redmond fly fishing for Great Lakes steelhead.


Fly Fishing for lake trout with Matt Redmond

Matt Redmond leads guided flyfishing trips for Great Lakes steelhead throughout Lake Erie’s southern tributaries in the late fall, winter, and spring. The focus shifts to river and Lake Erie smallmouth bass (fly and gear fishing) in late spring, summer, and early fall. Flyfishing trips for freshwater drum are also offered in the summer months.

Matt has more than a decade of experience across the Great Lakes and their connecting waters, chasing a wide variety of warm and cold water species. He’s written numerous articles for publications like Fly Fisherman Magazine and The Drake Magazine about targeting an assortment of freshwater species on the fly.

He’s also written blogs and gear reviews for brands like Ahrex Hooks, Fulling Mill, and Cheeky Fishing, served as a brand ambassador for Flymen Fishing Company, and had his ties and fly designs featured in publications. Matt also offers fly casting instruction and works with Cheeky Fishing as a part of their content creation team.

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